The mostly annual Ride of the Dinosaurs
also known as
the Dino Ride
The mostly annual Ride of the Dinosaurs
also known as
the Dino Ride
A long time ago...
on roads far, far away...
Deep in a cave in Northern California, primitive markings on the rock walls describe the story of ancient machines and athletes who competed in primitive contests of skill and speed. The warriors wore lacy leather headgear (if any). Their feet were secured to graceful steel machines with metal clips and leather straps. The costumes were of wool and decorated with the names of their supporters and sponsors.
A website devoted to honoring the roads, riders, and races of the 1970s, and keeping tabs on cyclists who raced together in the steel age (plus a few who spanned the 60s and the 80s!).
Where age and treachery overcome youth and fitness.
Send us your lies, photos, and repressed memories.